Vicente Micol Molina


Full Professor
Design and Development of Bioactive Molecules
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department
Miguel Hernández University

Additional Information:
Researcher at the Institute of Research, Development and Innovation in Health Biotechnology of Elche (IDiBE)
Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Senior membership)

UMH Faculty page
Lab Website


Vicente Micol obtained his PhD at the Murcia University in biological membranes and his post-doc research at the Division of Biology of Caltech (CA) in mitochondrial biogenesis and diseases. Full Professor of Biochemistry and the head of the research group “Bioactive Molecules” at IDiBE (UMH) since 1997, focused on the biological activity and mechanism-of-action of polyphenols and their application in chronic diseases. 34 years of multidisciplinary expertise in Biological Sciences. Principal investigator of 80 R&D projects and 174 research articles in indexed databases. Director of 17 PhD thesis. Founding member of 4 technology-based companies. Steady cooperation with several international groups.


  • Natural bioactive compounds
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Antimicrobials