
As a member you

Pool funds together to conduct pre-competitive research of relevance to industry partners

Network and collaborate with other IAB Members

Partner with BRAIN Sites to apply for federal grants, including SBIR and STR grants

Have access to the Center’s Technological Roadmap

Meet 2 times/year to review discoveries and collectively vote to recommend which projects to fund

Have access to expert faculty, highly skilled students, and center resources at all sites

Have rights to a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to generated intellectual property

Rapid response for teaming up to program announcement for large federal grants

Priority access for recruiting highly skilled and industry-specific graduates from the Center.

Short and long-term sabbatical periods from industry staff at Center labs and from Center faculty to industry

Opportunity for degree-granting programs for industry personnel with mentorship from Center faculty

Join Us

Please contact us to discuss the opportunities for your company to be a part of this center. Together, we will revolutionize the treatment of brain disorders.