Bradley Greger


Associate Professor

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Additional Information: 
Faculty Page
Lab Website


Bradley Greger received his bachelor’s degrees in philosophy in 1994, then in biology in 1995, from Washington State University. As a graduate student at Washington University, St. Louis, under the guidance of W. Thomas Thach, M.D., he developed an interest in studying neuronal encoding in primates and humans. After earning his Ph.D. in 2001, he joined the laboratory of Richard Anderson at Caltech as a postdoctoral research fellow. During this time he began investigating the use of microelectrode arrays in neuroprosthetics.

Greger joined the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, one of ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, in 2013. His work developing and improving the function of speech, vision, and limb prosthetics technology is the basis of five patents and disclosures. These technologies may one day benefit countless individuals who are handicapped by neurological impairments, work that has been closely followed by the media, including the Wall Street Journal and CNN.


  • Neural engineering

  • Vision restoration

  • Neuroprosthetics

  • Epilepsy