
Engineer in Real Life 2023: Celebrating Diversity and Creativity in Engineering



Engineer in Real Life 2023 event was a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our team and the enthusiastic participation of our guests and engineer volunteers.


We had a fantastic turnout, with hundreds of young minds inspired by our speakers’ stories and demonstrations. From cutting-edge technologies to practical problem-solving strategies, the presentations covered a wide range of topics that showcased the diversity and creativity of the engineering field.

We had engineers and student engineers volunteer from Lamar University College of EngineeringUniversity of Houston-Clear LakeRamiro MaldonadoBrock Zayas , Prairie View A&M UniversityTexas A&M University Galveston CampusSan Jacinto College –Mohammed MejeIEEE R5 Houston SectionIEEE – Galveston Bay SectionRice University School of Engineering– Sabia AbidiUH IEEE College Of TechnologyNathanial Wiggins, Ph.D.SWE University of HoustonNayani WickramaratneSchnabel EngineeringThe Chemours CompanyBlack & Veatch– Aswathy SivaramChristopher Sanderson, SMIEEE, SMASQ, CSSBB, CLSSBBLyondellBasellHDRAlgonquin Power & Utilities Corp.Donan EngeneeringHMHUH Cullen College of EngineeringSAIC– Hayley SpearsKBR, Inc. – Tyler Duncan,  Collins Aerospace,

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our guests and volunteers, whose contributions and enthusiasm made this event a reality. We also want to recognize the tireless efforts of our manager and the organizing team, whose vision and leadership have brought this event to life.

We are already looking forward to next year’s event and can’t wait to continue inspiring the next generation of engineers. Thank you all for making Engineer in Real Life 2023 an unforgettable experience!
