Intellectual Property Flow Chart

Complete and submit an invetntion disclosure form, making sure to reference the BRAIN Center in the funding section of the form:

For ASU inventors go to:

For UH inventors go to:


  • Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation will notify Craig Mermel and cc: IAB co-chair Krishna Ika. Craig will email notification to the IAB members (copying oipm@central.uh.edu) of the new disclosure to ask if they are interested in a license to the IP.
  • IAB member companies have sixty (60) days to express their interest to Skysong Innovastions or University of Houston Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation.

BRAIN CENTER company members have the ability to receive a nonexclusive royalty free license. If only one member seeks a license, that member may negotiate a royalty-bearing exclusive license.
Negotiations take a place directly between Skysong Innovations or University of Houston Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation and BRAIN Center Industry member companies. 

Join Us

Please contact us to discuss the opportunities for your company to be a part of this center. Together, we will revolutionize the treatment of brain disorders.