Juan Arturo Ballester Ferrer


Ph.D. student in Training analysis and optimization laboratory (Sports Research Center of Miguel Hernández University)
 *Doctoral Candidate in Sport and Health
Student’s host Lab Training analysis and optimization laboratory https://www.cid-umh.es/laboratorios/laboratorio-de-analisis-y-optimizacion-del-entrenamiento/
Research Group on Healthy Physical Conditioning https://www.cid-umh.es/grupo/giafis/


I finished my Sports Science degree two years ago. I am a Ph.D. student at the Sports Research Center of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), which I began at the end of my Master’s degree in Sports Performance and Health at the UMH. My main research topic is the relationship between the different dimensions of cognitive function and physical exercise throughout life. I am developing this work within the framework of a research project of the researchers Eduardo Cervelló and Diego Pastor.