Jeff Feng


Associate Professor

Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design
Department of Industrial Design
University of Houston

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Jeff Feng teaches industrial design at the University of Houston. Before teaching at the University of Houston, Professor Feng was in design practice for over 15 years developing new products in the health care, consumer electronics and product packaging industries. He worked as the design director at Metaphase Design Group for seven years and took a leading role in design thinking, creative problem solving and project management. He led the design team to win many design awards and recognitions, most notably IDEA, the Medical Design Excellence Award and the ID magazine award. His work has been published in ID magazine, Metropolis magazine, Medical Design and Appliance Design magazine. He has been providing product development services to Fortune 500 corporations, such as Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Medtronic, Bayer, LG, Caterpillar and Deere and holds over 40 US and international design and utility patents.


  • Product development
  • Service design in healthcare and medical industry.

  • Problem-solving through design for an aging population and people with disabilities. 

  • Design-driven entrepreneurship exploration.