Catalysts of Technological Development and Innovation

I/UCRCs, like the Brain Center, produce industrially-relevant, pre-competitive research through sustained partnerships between industry, academia and government. The BRAIN Center is a collaborative effort among universities, large and small companies, state and government agencies, and other organizations for the purpose of conducting pre-competitive research of shared value.

These centers bring together sites and members to perform cutting-edge pre-competitive fundamental research in science, engineering, technology area(s) of interest to industry and that can drive innovation and the U.S. economy. Members guide the direction of Center research through active involvement and mentoring.

NSF supports the development and evolution of I/UCRCs, providing a financial and procedural framework for membership and operations in addition to best practices learned over decades of fostering public/private partnerships that provide significant value to the nation, industry and university faculty and students.

Research Team

Arizona State University, the University of Houston,  University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Georgia Tech, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain, and Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, have a unique concentration of PIs who have the resources and expertise to design, develop, and test innovative neurotechnologies that can effectively transform the lives of physically and cognitively impaired individuals.