
Biology Graduate Derek Huber’s Passion for Neuroscience Shines in BRAIN Center Research

Congratulation to Derek Huber, member of the Non-Invasive Brain Machine Interface Lab, is a recent graduate from UH’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) at the University of Houston. Derek has a passion for the intersection of science and art, which led him to the BRAIN Center.

Derek’s dedication to his studies and his future career in medicine is truly admirable. “The main motivator is the fact that much of what I learn forms the foundation that an education in medicine will build off of,” he explains. His commitment to education and research has propelled him to success, earning him the Academic Excellence Scholarship from UH.

At the BRAIN Center, Derek worked on the “LiveWire” Brain on Dance project, where he led the data collection process and analyzed the neural communication patterns between and within subjects during creative expression. His research has resulted in a preprint article titled “Mobile brain imaging in butoh dancers: from rehearsals to public performance.”

Derek’s involvement in the BRAIN Center has undoubtedly influenced his goals and aspirations for his future career. “The work I’ve done at the BRAIN Center has expanded my interest in neuroscience and has made me incredibly curious in continuing to learn more about this field through a medical lens,” he says. His involvement with the Non-Invasive Brain Machine Interface Lab has allowed him to apply his biological knowledge to an engineering environment and learn the engineering side of the physiological properties of the brain.

Moving forward, Derek plans on having more papers published about his work on the “LiveWire” project and staying involved remotely to help those who continue working on similar projects. Congratulations, Derek, on your graduation and impressive accomplishments at the BRAIN Center. Your passion, dedication, and hard work will undoubtedly lead to a bright and successful future.
