Drs. LaPlaca and Lockhart participated in the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Traumatic Brain Injury Forum event “Innovation Trends in Technologies for the Prevention, Treatment, and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Workshop” on April 15, 2024, in Washington, DC. Dr. Michelle LaPlaca, PI of the BRAIN partner site at Georgia Tech […]
NEUROHUMANITIES LAB Engaging Experiences for Human Flourishing (office.com)Creation of a scenic space for interaction, experimentation and immersion with cultural objects through extended Reality (xR) implemented by computer systems and neuroscientific analysis in the context of a Digital Humanities methodology. As a result, the project generates new databases and analyzes their capability of measuring and evaluating […]
Diabelli 200, marks the 200th anniversary of Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations, and in collaboration with music composer Anthony Brandt and neuro-engineer Dr. Pepe Contreras-Vidal will explore the neural synchrony between the performers and changes in brain activity throughout the performance. Brandt will use Diabelli’s waltz and Beethoven’s approach to the variations as inspiration for excerpts of […]
The Slowest Wave This art-science performance investigates the brain dynamics of dancers while they are performing Butoh, a type of postmodern dance that originated in Japan, through the use of EEG Brain Waves. February 10, 2023, at the University of Houston Student Center South Theater, Houston (The image in the attached file could be used)
Neuroaesthetics Lab – Public Art University of Houston System Session 1 | Public Art UHS, UH’s BRAIN Center and Arkansas-based composer and sound artist Amos Cochran on a four-part student workshop focusing on the intersection of art, science, and technology.
Researchers Awarded for Prosthetic Arm DesignGerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design industrial design students David Edquilang (’22) and Niell Gorman (’21), along with Assistant Professor and BRAIN Center member Jeff Feng, received a 2022 International Design Excellence Award. The group designed a more affordable prosthetic arm, fashioned in part using 3D scanning and […]
Get Your Neuromotors Running: NIH Grant Awarded to UH Professors Another collaborative effort among University of Houston faculty is being recognized by the National Institutes of Health. Health and Human Performance Associate Professor Pranav J. Parikh and Cullen College of Engineering Professor Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal have been awarded the NIH R25 Research Education grant titled “Neuromotor […]
Profs. Jose Contreras-Vidal and Stuart Long from the Cullen College of Engineering have been awarded a $402K award from the National Science Foundation to continue their highly successful REU Site themed “Neurotechnologies to Help the Body Move, Heal and Feel Again.” This STEAM training grant will provide opportunities for a diverse group of undergraduate and […]
Faculty, students, industry and federal agency representatives from the University of Houston, Arizona State University, Georgia Tech, West Virginia University, Tec de Monterrrey (Mexico) and Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spain) met on August-4-5, 2022 at the University of Houston to kick-start our Phase 2 (2022-2027) Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Building Reliable Advances and Innovations […]
August 4th-5th, 2022 Dates & Locations: August 4th, 2022 – Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design (Atrium), University of Houston August 5th, 2022 – MD Anderson Library (Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion), University of Houston Link to Registration: https://forms.gle/Kg76fE9ZCuAK2uF19 Meeting Format: Hybrid (In-Person, Virtual), In-Person participation is encouraged.
The 5-years $768,000 NIH training award on “Neuromotor Skill Advancement for Post-baccalaureates (NSAP)” will provide didactic, hands-on activities focusing on the development of highly sought-after technical neuromotor skills to study and treat the brain. This is an initiative of the BRAIN Center and a collaboration between the Cullen College of Engineering and the College of […]
BRAIN Center Close-Out Phase I Save the date for June 30, 2022 (TBC) BRAIN IUCRC Phase I Final Meeting Date: To be confirmed Time: (TBC) Reminder: Participation at the BRAIN IAB meeting is mandatory for funded PIs and their students. We look forward to our continued collaborations and seeing you virtually
YOUR BRAIN ON DANCE April 6-9, 2021 Grant Information: NSF Award # 2024837 This international interdisciplinary workshop focuses on the theme of Creative Movements and the Brain. The goal of the workshop is to facilitate a dialogue between science and dance and instigate totally new ideas and ways of thinking that would act as a catalyst […]
March 21, 2022 BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Monday March 21, at 11:00 AM CST. (This event is by invitation only)
February 28, 2022 BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Monday January 28, at 10:30 AM CST. (This event is by invitation only)
January 26, 2022 BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Wednesday January 26, at 11 AM CST. (This event is by invitation only)
Art-science LiveWire collaboration with Noble Motion Dance Company, Music Composer Tony Brandt, and the Musiqa string quartet will premiere at the MATCH on Friday January 21 at 7:30pm
January 19, 2022 WHO: BRAIN Directors and Industry Members Representatives WHEN: January 19, 2022 TIME: 11 AM/ 12 PM CST. (This event is by invitation only) Where: Virtual. Zoom link sent to participants
Action Required by January 12, 2022 Please upload BRAIN Center items to NSF Public Access Repository(NSF- PAR) This is a friendly reminder to upload your papers. In order to satisfy the Public Access requirement, the NSF requires all published journals, including papers from juried/peer-reviewed conference proceedings, will need to be deposited in the NSF Public […]
BRAIN Center
Monthly BRAIN meeting December BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Wednesday December 15, at 10 AM MST/ 12 PM CST. (This event is by invitation only)
fall 2021-BRAIN Center Virtual Interim Meeting Join us for our fall interim meeting on Friday, November 5 9 am – noon Arizona time (MST) Objective:This interim meeting of the industry advisory board will review the State of the BRAIN Center, receive progress reports on current research projects, and discuss the milestones that were achieved since our […]
FALL 2021-BRAIN Center Virtual poster Session Join us for a virtual poster session for our fall 2021 interim meeting. Date: Thursday, November 4 Time: 10 am – noon Arizona time (MST) Registration Required Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brain-2021-iucrc-interim-meeting-tickets-165052308899
FALL 2021-IAB Practice Session Join us for a practice session for our fall 2021 interim meeting to make sure your slides and audio work. Date: Tuesday, October 26 Time: 10 am – 11 am Arizona time (MST) 12 pm – 1 pm Central Time (CST)
Monthly BRAIN meeting October BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Wednesday October 20, at 10 AM MST/ 12 PM CST. (This event is by invitation only)
UH Alumni Career Panel When: 7:30 pm CT, Thursday, October 14, 2021 Where: Virtual zoom meeting Topic: BRAIN Student Group: Career Panel Discussion Time: Oct 14, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://uh-edu-cougarnet.zoom.us/j/97599080004?pwd=a1VLZWlhMnV5R055UXd3cmY4YkRjQT09 Meeting ID: 975 9908 0004 Passcode: […]
IUCRC Virtual BRAIN Monterrey Tec Kick Off Meeting This event will mark the official kick off of the IUCRC BRAIN TEC Center at a national level, which focuses on the development of innovative biometric technologies to generate added value for applications in industry, healthcare, and education. The virtual meeting is on Thursday September 30, at […]
Monthly BRAIN meeting September BRAIN directors and staff meet once a month, to ensure that BRAIN’s overall mission pursued in a unified fashion across Sites and to plan for upcoming events. The next meeting is on Wednesday September 22, at 10 am MST. (This event is by invitation only)
Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 19-9:00 am-11:00 am (MST) National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative research center (IUCRC) for Building Reliable Advance and Innovations in Neurotechnology (BRAIN). Virtual Lab Tours Wednesdat, May 19 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am (MST) Virtual Poster Session Wednesdat, May 20 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am (MST) Annual Meeting Friday, May […]
Virtual Poster Session Thursday, May 20-9:00 am-11:00 am (MST)
Virtual Lab Tours Friday, May 21-9:00 am-noon (MST)