Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno


Sports Science Degree, Ph.D. in Sport Science
A Senior Professor at Miguel Hernández University (Catedrático de Universidad)
Sports Research Center Director
Member of the Spanish Society of Sport Science

Faculty website https://www.cid-umh.es/
Lab Behaviour Analysis Laboratorie (https://www.cid-umh.es/laboratorios/laboratorio-de-analisis-del-comportamiento-en-el-deporte/)


Senior professor and researcher. Director of the Sports Research Center. My study fields are related to motivation, adherence to physical exercise, and the impact of physical exercise on cognitive function. At present, I am IP of project funding by the Spanish government to study the impact of physical activity and fitness on cognitive function and learning.


  • Physical Exercise
  • Cognitive Function
  • Motivation
  • Sport Psychology